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lampu pijar bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "lampu pijar"
  • Yeah. Used to be a fluorescent lightbulb factory.
    Iya, tempat ini bekas pabrik lampu pijar.
  • It's like a light bulb being powered by a nuclear reactor.
    Seperti lampu pijar ditenagai oleh reaktor nuklir.
  • Did you know they made a lamp that had the sun in it?
    Apakah kamu tahu lampu pijar?
  • Originally, nearly 2.1 million incandescent lights were housed in the canopy.
    Hampir 2.1 juta lampu pijar memenuhi kanopi.
  • Big light-bulb head must have a key to the PX.
    Si kepala lampu pijar itu pasti punya kunci lemari.
  • The Nernst lamp was an early form of incandescent lamp.
    Lampu Nernst adalah bentuk awal dari lampu pijar elektrik.
  • Physically, some such devices are often built quite like incandescent lamps.
    Secara fisik, beberapa peranti dibuat seperti lampu pijar.
  • In incandescent light bulbs as an inexpensive alternative to argon.
    Dalam bola lampu pijar sebagai alternatif ekonomis pengganti argon.
  • You cannot just stay in the house,with a fucking sunlamp!
    Kamu tidak bisa tinggal di dalam rumah, dengan lampu pijar!
  • This great man had revolutionized the world with his incandescent lamp.
    Orang besar ini telah merevolusi dunia dengan lampu pijar itu.
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